Kids and the dentist

Your Child's First Hygiene Appointment

When your child becomes three years of age, we recommend they have their first hygiene visit with their dentist. This visit has two goals. First, to gently introduce your child to the dental experience and second, to begin in-office preventive procedures.

Our staff is highly trained and experienced in dentistry for children and will make their initial visit comfortable, easy and even fun. Each new step is gently introduced and positively reinforced by our staff.

At this visit, we want to examine your child's teeth and gums, clean their teeth, apply topical fluoride and take appropriate x-rays. What is accomplished depends upon the ease in which your child adapts to this new experience. Dr Chodree strives to make dentist visits less scary and easy for her young patients, as well as teach kids proper dental care habits.

The first visit to the dentist can often be anxiety producing for a toddler or young child. Parents are expected to accompany their children. Besides from choosing a good time when your child is not supposed to nap or eat, it helps to prepare them for the dentist visit by following these simple steps:

  • Be sure to educate your children on how dental health is an important part of growing up.
  • Positively discuss the dentist as children are extremely impressionable.
  • Educate your child on proper dental and oral health and instil good oral health habits from a young age.
  • Be sure to look out for signs of trouble as the early development of children will determine how their teeth develop. Ill-alignment, overbite, underbite and malocclusions need to be fixed with early orthodontics around the age of 8 years old.

Regular dentist visits are recommended once children's permanent teeth develop around age 6. This way, future problems can be recognised and handled.

How can I encourage good dental habits with my child?

  • Children from 6 months to 6 years old While children might want to brush their teeth themselves, it is important that all teeth are brushed sufficiently. Encourage your child to do it themselves, but have mom or dad double check by giving a quick brush also or do it alongside them to show them how.
  • Children between 7 and 12 years old At this age, your child should know what to do, but it is vital to keep making sure they floss and brush each morning and night accurately.
  • Children between 12 and 18 years old This is a critical time for dental health as most children with healthy teeth don't understand the consequences of slipping up on good habits. Be sure your child is aware that not maintain oral health will cause issues later in life.
  • Be sure to look out for signs of trouble as the early development of children will determine how their teeth develop. Ill-alignment, overbite, underbite and malocclusions need to be fixed with early orthodontics around the age of 8 years old.
Preventative orthodontics as a child would have improved this patients facial profile and aesthetics
Tooth position and lip position not ideal because of incorrect tongue habits. Treatment involves correcting the palate development